Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Low class and detestable ...

Ol' Barack on GMA:

Sen. Barack Obama ripped into a Republican ad today that targets comments made by his wife, Michelle, and called the GOP tactic "low class" and "detestable."


Indeed, though in the article, it seems they left out the part -- I watched the interview -- where Obama said the Republicans just "make stuff up".


Obama praised his wife's patriotism and said that for Republicans "to try to distort or to play snippets of her remarks in ways that are unflattering to her I think is just low class ... and especially for people who purport to be promoters of family values, who claim that they are protectors of the values and ideals and the decency of the American people to start attacking my wife in a political campaign I think is detestable."


A chicken hiding under a desk and the words "low class and detestable" should be the coat of arms for the Republican Party. I hope Barack realizes, now that it seems he'll be the nominee, that the lowlife attacks are only going to get worse.

Off to work ...

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