Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More on Bush's Nazi past

A good article by Robert Parry on Bush's Nazi-enabling forebears.

Bush might have noted that his family's wealth, which fueled his own political rise, was partly derived from Nazi collaboration and possibly from slave labor provided by Auschwitz and other concentration camps.

Indeed, the quick dissipation of the Nazi financial scandal was only a portent of the Bush family's future. Unlike politicians of lower classes, the Bushes seemed to travel in a bubble impervious to accusations of impropriety, since the Eastern Establishment doesn't like to think badly of its own.

To this day - as President Bush showed by mocking the long-forgotten Sen. Borah and then wielding the Nazi "appeasement" club against Barack Obama and other Democrats - the assumption remains that the bubble will continue to protect the Bush family name.

'Bubbles' have had a history of popping lately. I hope this one does, but it probably won't.


View co-host brings up Prescott Bush's Nazi ties

Not, perhaps, the venue I would have hoped for, but it's a start. Go and scroll down and watch the blond wingnut bimbo get, and please pardon me for this, my darling amplitudinous View ladies, steamrolled by the other panel members.

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