Monday, May 19, 2008

So what?

Our national embarrassment was in the Middle East for the last couple days, taking the time to kiss Likudnik ass in Israel before making an ass of himself in front of the World Economic Forum.


In Egypt, Mr Bush urged Arab leaders to work hard to advance democracy and civil liberties, and to isolate sponsors of terrorism.

He told the World Economic Forum in Sharm el-Sheikh that states needed to diversify their economies, invest in people and extend the reach of freedom.


Just like we have here, right? Bush is just the guy to lecture on human rights and democracy.


Mr Bush said politics in the region too often "consisted of one leader in power and the opposition in jail" and that the time had come for nations to "abandon these practices, and treat their people with the dignity and respect they deserve".


Yeah, like rigging the vote, stop-lossing our vets in Iraq, and letting the oil companies gouge us in their rush to accumulate the most profit before a Dem is elected in November. And, speaking of oil, the Chimp went to Saudi to beg for an increase in oil production and they promptly told him to fuck off. And these are our friends in the region?


It was Bush’s second personal appeal this year to King Abdullah, head of the monarchy that rules this desert kingdom that is a longtime prime U.S. ally and home to the world’s largest oil reserves. But Saudi officials stuck to their position that they will only pump more oil into the system when asked to by buyers, something they say is not happening now, the president’s national security adviser told reporters.


In other words, it ain't the worldwide demand for oil that's raising prices here, it's the folks who are selling the oil in the US who are driving up prices. You know, the Chimp's cronies.

So now the little bastid is back and what has he accomplished? Nothing. Nothing good comes out of the White House, only fuck ups. Been that way for 8 years.

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