Sunday, May 18, 2008

Still crazy ...

The Editors look at the hard core:


Bush = good. Muslims = evil. The government is owed our unconditional support. It is our duty to defeat the false religions. It’s all sensible because I choose to believe it. I am very brave for saying so. One suspects these few self-evident truths can be repeated at very high volume for long, long periods of time, endurance extended beyond normal human limits by excising any vestigial doubt. This is - minus the charmingly parochial idea that we must wage War on Islam out of a concern for gay rights, obviously - the Republican base, still crazy after all these years.


Sad to say, there's no hope for the 28-percenters.


Oliver Willis finds the latest incarnation of 'Republican crazy'.

Debbie Schlussel, who is sort of the K-Mart version of Ann Coulter, along with others on the right, is trying to fuel yet another attack on Sen. Obama for his meeting with Imam Hassan Qazwini, a muslim leader in Detroit. Schlussel is one of the reactionary nutjobs on the right and as soon as they see someone who isn’t Christian they automatically assume that they are terrorists. So they tie themselves up in knots, and accuse Obama of meeting with the enemy or some other such nonsense.


God, they make it so easy.


Using the logic of absolute morons like Debbie Schlussel, we can only surmise that President Bush is a secret agent of Iran who wants to force us to gay marry while converting to Sharia law.


Well, he sure has enabled Iran to get more powerful, hasn't he?

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