Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Stop, yer killin' me ...

Who knew the House Minority Leader was a comedian? John Boner Boehner:

Washington - Washington is broken. You need look no further than $4 per gallon for gas to see how political gamesmanship in Washington is impacting your life. Two years ago, congressional Democrats promised "change" but what we’ve seen instead is business-as-usual.


Translation: We've fucked up everything, but the Dem majority in Congress can't fix it because we've obstructed them at every turn, so you might as well vote for us because shit won't change regardless of who's in power.


House Republicans have already offered legislation to provide for environmentally-safe energy exploration here at home, reduce the tax burden of middle-class families and stop the public funding of lawmakers’ pet projects. We will continue to offer the American people the kind of changes they want. We are offering real solutions – not slogans – for the challenges our families face every day. Together, we can deliver the change American families deserve.


Ha-ha-ha-ha, stop, yer killin' me ...

Great thanks to Maru for the link.

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