Friday, May 16, 2008

There's no good reason for you to die tomorrow, Jarhead

At the risk of causing our readers to get DMO*, here's a Mötley Crüe (buncha L.A. boys. Heh.) number with a slight assist from R. Lee Ermey and an off-key platoon of Jarheads.

Here's what the guy who posted this at YouTube says:

I made this video to show support to our troops so please keep your negative comments to yourself.

Must be an old fart like me. 'Negative comments' about the troops seems, thankfully, to have gone away after Vietnam. No PFC started this criminal war or any other. Cheney, Rumsfeld, & Bush did. The troops go where they are told and do an excellent job at what they do. 'Support the troops' and 'stop this criminal fuckin' war' are different sides of the same coin.

*DMO - Deadly Music Overload

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