Friday, May 23, 2008

This is just getting ridiculous

So far today, it looks like we have a theme of sorts: batshit crazy hateful ideologues.

Think Progress

Anti-gay group compares marrying same-sex couples to helping the Nazis.

Reacting to the California Supreme Court’s decision overturing a same-sex marriage ban, the far right group Campaign for Children and Families compares county clerks issuing same-sex marriage licenses to Nazis gassing Jews during the Holocaust. Here’s what they say on their website,

Ask your county clerk if they were a Nazi officer during WWII and had been ordered to gas the Jews, would they? At the Nuremberg trials, they would have been convicted of murder for following this immoral order.

(HT: Andrew Sullivan) (Andy's piece is titled "Malkin Award Nominees". Heh - G)

And if that wasn't enough, in the post just below that one:

Santorum Mocks Gay Marriage: ‘I Love My Brother. Should We Call This Relationship Marriage Too?’

Note to ol' 'Man on Dog': if you really love him, it's OK with me. I don't understand why you would want to, but then I'm not a Repuglican.

Tricky Ricky then goes on about how permitting gay marriage has totally fucked up heterosexual marriage and contributed to an increase in out-of-wedlock births in Norway of all places. I don't see how same-sex marriage affects birth rates, but he mostly made it all up anyway.

I was enjoying thinking we'd heard the last from that ying-yang, but I guess these truly important matters bring him out of the closet from under his rock.

I watched a guy named Garry Wills on Charlie Rose last night. He was talking about a book he's flogging about the Gospels. It was interesting, but the talk turned to the separation of church and state and then to gay marriage. He said that government should not be in the business of telling folks how they can formalize their love with another person, and that government should permit civil unions and stay the fuck out of the religious concept of marriage that should be left to the discretion of individual churches. Government should concern itself with equity, justice, and humanity, to which I would add screw the phony moral values of the fundie dipshits. I tend to agree with him. Well worth watching.

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