Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wanted: Agent Provocateurs

The Misfit:

If you look like a hippy and you have the morals of a snake, then the FBI wants to hire you!

Turns out it is straight piecework, you have to give them somebody to arrest. Presumably, if you agitate for bad things to happen and then turn people in for following your lead, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force will give you oodles of cash.

You'd think that after the cops and the FBI got caught doing this stupid shit in the 1960s that they would have learned their lessons. Apparently not. The police have a long track record of using agent provocateurs to start trouble as an excuse for arresting lots of people.


Turn in your friends, your neighbors, even family and get paid to do it. Do you know an Enemy of the State? Turn 'em in now and make big bucks.

What has happened to this country?

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