Friday, June 20, 2008

Aw, Christ 2.0...

Following up on Fixer's post, here's some more on the MTP swordfight/turkeyslap:

UPDATED: Keith Olbermann has vehemently denied rumors from the New York Post (owned by Rupert Murdoch) that he threatened to quit if he isn't given Tim Russert's job as host of "Meet the Press." Olbermann also said, "But I don't even consider myself qualified for it."

The big question is whether Olbermann would still do "Countdown." Olbermann should still be able to do both shows, but perhaps be given more time off for "Countdown," giving Rachel Maddow more of the screen time she deserves on MSNBC.

More screen time for Rachel Maddow! Be still my heart!

OTOH, KO is doing fine right where he is. What to do, what to do...

Olbermann and Gregory will be on the short list, since the network will likely fill from within the ranks of NBC News, an understandable move. But who else would be on the list?

Friedman and I agree on one thing: Chris Matthews should not be considered. Among many reasons, his style isn't conducive to the Sunday morning tradition. Chuck Todd is an outside pick, but his name will likely come up.

One name from the outside but who does have experience at NBC News is Gwen Ifill. Ifill, host of "Washington Week in Review" and contributor to the "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer," has worked at NBC News, and would be a great pick if someone from outside the network is chosen. If Olbermann isn't picked, she would be my second choice.

I agree with all of that.

Is there someone else you think would do a better job than Olbermann? Or perhaps you want to keep Olbermann right where he is. Or maybe you like the sugesstion of either Olbermann or Ifill. Either way, let us know who you want to see as the next host.


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