Friday, June 27, 2008

But heaven forbid ...

We piss the Chinese off:


Now, if the Rude Pundit remembers his recent history (although, truth be told, these days, shit that happened last year seems about as distant as the tadpole days of a dying frog - such is the result of our American dementia), back in December 2002, there was another member of the Axissss o' Eeeeeevil who made a big ol' weapons declaration, when Iraq "delivered a 12,000-page declaration on banned weapons to the United Nations, meeting a Security Council deadline with more than 24 hours to spare. Officials said the documents confirmed, in rebuttal of American and British claims, that Saddam Hussein's government had no weapons of mass destruction and no current programs to develop them." As the ever dickish Ari Fleischer said at the time, Iraq had issued "what it claims is a declaration of its programs to develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and other delivery systems."


Because had we attacked NK, more than a million DPRK infantry would have gone south, overrunning 7th Cav and 51st Wing before taking the rest of South Korea. Because the Chinese would do the same thing they did when we crossed the Yalu 50 years ago.

... "If we allow the U.S. to occupy all of Korea… we must be prepared for the U.S. to declare… war with China," ... - Mao Zhe Dong to Iosef Stalin 8 Oct 1950

And of course:


The Chinese made contact with American troops on November 1, 1950. Thousands of Chinese had attacked from the north, northwest, and west against scattered U.S. and South Korean (Republic of Korea or ROK) units moving deep into North Korea. The Chinese seemed to come out of nowhere as they swarmed around the flanks and over the defensive positions of the surprised United Nations (UN) troops.


China could wreck us, be it economically or militarily. China has enough problems with North Korea already, let alone having to to put more money into that failed country thanks to the UN sanctions. It just seems to me the Chimp got the message loud and clear from Beijing. Assume UN sanctions will effectively go away in the near future too.

However, don't think that insane midget won't restart the program again in the future when he wants something else from the UN or China. He did it to Clinton and he did it to Bush, he'll do it again to the next US President. Maybe it's time for the next US President to begin talks with China on the subject of getting that family of psychopaths out of North Korea.

But US anti-proliferation policy aside, the reason we didn't deal with NK the way we are doing with the other two members if the 'Axis of Evil' (attacking Iraq, saber-rattling at Iran) is because they have no oil. Saddam could have stood on his head and made sparks shoot out his ass and we still would have attacked.

Never forget; the war in Iraq has nothing to do with fighting terrorism.

TGIF. See yas later.

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