Monday, June 9, 2008

But, it wasn't a blowjob ...

Wolcott* looks at Greenwald's post and had a few words for David Broder:


Then with those two unindicted war racketeers [Chimpy n' Cheney] removed from office, we'd turn our keen sense of justice on The Washington Post and demand that they shitcan your sorry, energy-dependent ass too, along the equally flagrant tails belonging to Fred Hiatt, Richard Cohen, and Charles Krauthammer.


And John Amato has some helpful hints for the networks and print media to reclaim some of their former credibility:


1) Set up an Ombudsman with a staff for each network that isn’t an employee of their corporation and have a weekly segment devoted to policing the media. They will also be available to take complaints reported by individual citizens and investigate them thoroughly.

2) Replay clips of each pundit when they’ve been proven wrong and let them explain their positions and why they thought they were right and ask them how they will correct their mistakes in the future.

3) Keep track of their infractions and set up a benchmark, like a 3 strikes your out rule for pundits. When they hit the benchmark, suspend them for a period of time so they can reflect on their mistakes.


I'm all for it but pigs will fly before they decide to police themselves.

*Thanks to Sarah for the link.

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