Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How-to ...

So ya wanna be a tin horn dictator in some Third World toilet and you're wondering how to keep power once you get it? No problem. The United States wrote the book:


The leaked manual, which has been verified with military sources, is the official US Special Forces doctrine for Foreign Internal Defense or FID.

FID operations are designed to prop up "friendly" governments facing popular revolution or guerilla insurgency. FID interventions are often covert or quasi-covert due to the unpopular nature of the governments being supported ("In formulating a realistic policy for the use of advisors, the commander must carefully gauge the psychological climate of the HN [Host Nation] and the United States.")

The manual directly advocates training paramilitaries, pervasive surveillance, censorship, press control and restrictions on labor unions & political parties. It directly advocates warrantless searches, detainment without charge and (under varying circumstances) the suspension of habeas corpus. It directly advocates employing terrorists or prosecuting individuals for terrorism who are not terrorists, running false flag operations and concealing human rights abuses from journalists. And it repeatedly advocates the use of subterfuge and "psychological operations" (propaganda) to make these and other "population & resource control" measures more palatable.

The content has been particularly informed by the long United States involvement in El Salvador.


Ah yes, the United States, bringing freedom and democracy to everyone, whether they need it or not.

And let's be clear here, the Rethugs have been using this manual to run their operations on Americans too. It was Karl Rove's playbook. Aside from the war crimes Chimp & Co. are guilty of, treason also ranks high on the list.

Great thanks to the Gorilla's Guides for the link.

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