Monday, June 23, 2008

McGovern: Iran attack coming soon

Raw Story

In a new editorial published by, former CIA officer Ray McGovern states that he believes "a perfect storm seems to be gathering in late summer or early fall," when the Bush administration and allies in Israel will launch attacks against Iran.

"This time it will be largely the Air Force's show, punctuated by missile and air strikes by the Navy," writes McGovern. "Israeli-American agreement has now been reached at the highest level; the armed forces planners, plotters and pilots are working out the details."

From the editorial:

By all indications, Vice President Dick Cheney and his huge staff continue to control the flow of information to the president.

But, you say, the president cannot be unaware of the far-reaching disaster an attack on Iran would bring?

Well, this is a president who admits he does not read newspapers, but rather depends on his staff to keep him informed. And the memos Cheney does brief to Bush pooh-pooh the dangers.

There's no danger to Cheney and Bush.

Here's the alarming thing: Unlike Iraq, which was prostrate after the Gulf War and a dozen years of sanctions, Iran can retaliate in a number of dangerous ways, launching a war for which our forces are ill-prepared.

The lethality, intensity and breadth of ensuing hostilities will make the violence in Iraq look, in comparison, like a volleyball game between St. Helena's High School and Mount St. Ursula.

In sum, a perfect storm seems to be gathering in late summer or early fall.

Fucking swell. In this Perfect Storm the future of the United States gets to be the Andrea Gail.

Whatever extraterrestrial sky monsters there may be out there, help us. Suck Cheney and Bush to your lair and probe them. Drop us a video. Just stop them from committing this madness.

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