Thursday, June 12, 2008

My kind of regulation ...


Listening to anyone on Wall Street get on their high horse and complain about regulation really shows why that bunch needs to be firmly swatted on the back of the head ...

After close to thirty years since Regain told us 'deregulation' was a good thing, I hope every thinking person understands, now, that big business cannot be allowed to 'regulate themselves'. When money and power is at stake any rules that might exist are the first things to go out the window. Give 'em a set of rules to follow and make the consequences dire if they are broken.

Listen to me. Cutting taxes on the rich and corporations does not trickle down to the rest of us. Letting businesses police themselves is never good for the 'average American'. The people who run the show could give a shit less about us.

Off to work ...

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