Sunday, June 22, 2008

Now That We’ve ‘Won,’ Let’s Come Home

Daddy Frank with a rare 'today's second must read' on McCain and his/Bush's criminal war:

To finesse this embarrassing record, Mr. McCain asks us to believe that the only judgment that matters is who was “right” about the surge, not who was right about our reckless plunge into war. That’s like saying he deserves credit for tossing life preservers to the survivors after encouraging the captain of the Titanic to plow full speed ahead into the iceberg.

Even so, it leaves him trapped in a Catch-22. If violence continues to subside in Iraq — if, as Mr. McCain has it, we keep “winning” — it will only call more attention to the internal contradictions of a policy that says success in Iraq should be punished by forcing American troops to stay there indefinitely. And if Iraq reignites, well, so much for “winning.”

Not that the Obama policy is foolproof either. As everyone knows, there are no good options in Iraq. Our best hope for a bipartisan resolution of this disaster may be for a President Obama to appoint Mr. McCain as a special envoy to Baghdad, where he can stay for as long as he needs to administer our withdrawal or 100 years, whichever comes first.

First of all, there's no 'winning' something that was an immoral, criminal act in the first place and a colossal incompetent bungle afterwards.

Second, I doubt if McSame has ten years left in him, let alone 100, but Iraq would be a great place for him to live out his dream.

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