Monday, June 9, 2008


The Last Chance Democracy Cafe

John’s been looking kind of old lately, in a Great Wall of China sense of the word. Even given all of the specific political sins he committed during his awful speech on the night Barack Obama clinched the Democratic nomination, what probably damaged him most in his presentation was his overall appearance. It wasn’t that he looked old, although certainly he did: it was that he looked befuddled.

And when you’re trying to convince the American people to elect a man who would become the oldest person ever to take office as president, befuddled isn’t exactly the look you’re going for.

Trust me on this one, 'befuddled' works! But then I ain't trying for President, just senior discounts and pity.

As the originator (and so far only user) of the term Oldfartgate in regard to John McCain’s age, I feel compelled to note the likelihood that one day soon Oldfartgate will merge with the current McCain mania of Constantlyfuckingupgate creating the new sensation of Oldfartconstantlyfuckingupgate (my em).

Again, it's fine if you're not running for President.

One thing I have to say in McCain's favor: as long as he's around, I don't feel quite so old or befuddled.

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