Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rhetoric ...

The Misfit parses the Chimp's dumbassery in Europe:


Let's be clear on this, Mr. McFuckwit: It wasn't just your "gun-slinging rhetoric," it was the fact that your rhetoric was supported by the facts and by the statements of numerous of your former aides that you were focused on ginning up the reasons to go to war with Iraq as soon as the dust started to settle from 9/11. As history is showing, the Afghan War, to you, was a distraction, a sideshow, from the war you wanted and which you got. You and your henchmen lied about the facts, lied about the intelligence, fabricated incidents and took this country into an unnecessary war against a nation that posed no discernible threat.

That is called "aggression." That is, in point a fact, a war crime.


Can't we just get the EU to arrest him while he's there? The Hague isn't far from Germany.

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