Friday, July 25, 2008

A Bear in your backyard ...

Or, Taking the High Road?

A couple days ago, this caught my eye:

The media has been abuzz today at the prospect of Russian nuclear bombers being stationed in Cuba if the US goes ahead with plans for missile defence bases in Eastern Europe.

The story has riled the US enough that a US general has been wheeled out to tell the world’s press that any Russian attempt to build another nuclear base in Cuba would cross US "red line".


Then today I see this:

Russia's defence ministry on Thursday denied a report it was considering basing bomber aircraft in Cuba in retaliation for US missile defence plans in Eastern Europe, a news agency reported.

"We regard these sorts of reports from anonymous sources as disinformation," RIA Novosti quoted defence ministry spokesman Ilshat Baichurin as saying.


Russian disinformation probably, allowing them to take the high road while wagging a finger at the U.S. for planning to put anti-missile installations in former Eastern Bloc nations. They're sending the Chimp a message though, unfortunately, he's too obtuse to get it.

Don't wake the Bear.

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