Friday, July 25, 2008

Because you're over here ...

And Obama is over there, the Rethug Noise Machine thinks they can make any shit up about him and you'll believe it:


These press organizations spend big bucks to send reporters along on trips like these and yet their world still revolves around some schmuck in Florida who serves as a conduit for right wing propaganda. After all these years, they still believe him. And the funny thing about it is that while they rely heavily on a guy who's only relationship to real journalism is the fact that he wears a Walter Winchell fedora, they spend an inordinate amount of time denigrating bloggers, among whose ranks he more logically belongs.


You know, as I think about it, probably half a progressive blogger's posts are spent refuting and debunking all the crap the RWNM* spews out.

*Right Wing Noise Machine

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