Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Church Street Blues redux*

Midweek tired-of-politics silliness.

Back in March I posted Church Street Blues by Tony Rice. I said this:

This is from an old lesson tape. Lesson: Just play it like Tony does.

I would like to commend young Mr. Vrba for his wisdom in following my advice, and thank him for the 22,347 hits on the Brain it took him to learn it. Not bad for a kid who's waaaay east of Fixer and for whom English is not his first language. And no, Senator McCain, he is not in Czechoslovakia.

Go to the thumbnail all the way to the right after the video and see another European kid, with the unlikely name of Björn Cardenas, play the tune. The miracle of YouTube. The lesson tape is about twenty years older than either of these lads.

*Redux - Latin for 'came back and bit ya on the ass'.

A tip o' the Brain to eddiebreeg.

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