Monday, July 28, 2008

Compassionate Conservatism ...

Remember when those were the watchwords? Avedon has examples of how that works:


And Wendy Whitaker broke the law when, at the age of 17, she went down on her 15-year-old boyfriend (which I'm sure ruined him for life), so now she's on the sex offenders register and 11 years later being hounded out of her home while she's trying to settle down with her husband. To protect the children. And Maria Ventura broke the law by being in the country illegally, so it was just and proper that when she was arrested, here children were abandoned on the shoulder of the interstate at 2:00 in the morning.


Hey, they're the spawn of an illegal, who gives a fuck? It seems the conservatives are only compassionate toward their own, like Scooter Libby, who was 'too good a man to spend time in jail'.

As she says earlier in the post:


I can't begin to count the ways that conservatives have murdered people, from the million or so Little Nero and Big Dick are killing in Iraq and Afghanistan to those additional numbers who died when they ignored warnings of an attack from Al Qaeda, when they deliberately refused to allow relief to New Orleans, when they encouraged insurance companies to refuse lifesaving medical care to people who had already paid for it, and so on, and so on - and never mind the astonishing theft of services and a future for all those people who've lost pensions they worked to earn at Enron and the airlines and wherever else these things are going on. And these people who have destroyed so many lives will never see a day in jail.


I'm hoping Karma and Fate have a hand in holding them accountable because Justice surely won't. Justice only works when the little guy breaks the law. Being a multimillionaire and loyal political hack is a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.

It's Monday and I'm already disgusted.

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