Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Conservative Lawyers Urge Bush To Issue ‘Pre-Emptive Pardons’ To Officials Involved In Illegal Programs

Well, of course they are...

Think Progress

[...] Bush “has made little use of his clemency power” compared to past presidents.

Except perhaps if you participated in any illegal activity involving the Bush administration’s controversial counterterrorism programs. According to the Times, “several members of the conservative legal community” in Washington D.C. are urging Bush to issue “pre-emptive pardons” to those involved so as to “not be exposed even to the risk of an investigation and expensive legal bills”:

It isn't the 'investigation and expensive legal bills' they're worried about. It's the prison sentences.

Bush might do this and he might not. His dad preemptively pardoned a bunch of the Iran-Contra criminals, and Bush doesn't like to do anything like his daddy did.

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