Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cuba Offers Vaccine Against Lung Cancer

BuzzFlash, with 'comments' and a link to Pravda. You don't think the U.S. corporate press is going to print anything like this, do you?

Cimavas EGF, based on two proteins, triggers an immune response from the victim's body and has absolutely no side effects, as most anti-cancer therapy does. The vaccine only attacks cancer cells. The vaccine is meant to serve as a compliment to rather than a replacement for conventional methods such as chemotherapy and radiation. The vaccine also improves patients' breathing and decreases their pain. Posted Jul 1, 2008 08:42 AM PST Category: CUBA Unfortunately, courtesy of the US prohibition against Americans traveling to Cuba, sick Americans who might benefit from having access to this vaccine won't be able to, unless they have the money to travel to South America for treatment.

tags: health, gop denies treatments

From 'comments':

And why can we not get access to that here?

The margin of profit is too small if they cure you.

There it is. I see two reasons why this or any other real breakthrough medical advances from certain places will not be coming here anytime soon:

1) The Repugs would rather we die than accept help from godless commie fucks who, medical advances not withstanding, have been thumbing their noses at us for fifty years instead of kowtowing to us like the should, the heathen fuzzy-wuzzies, and

2) Curing diseases might fuck with the bottom line, which is not Corporate/GOP policy.

Also, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Ruling Elite will have access to any treatment that prolongs their miserable lives. Fuck the rest of us.

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