Friday, July 18, 2008

Curmudgeonly Weenie Steppin'

Nicole Bell at Crooks & Liars:

In discussion of McCain’s painful fumbling over why health insurance covers Viagra but not birth control, The Situation Room panel of Wolf Blitzer, Gloria Borger, Stephen Hayes and Jack Cafferty debate the position between a rock and a hard place that McCain finds himself, eager to win over those feminist Clinton supporters but hesitant to speak out against that mainstay of the Republican platform: restricting women’s reproductive freedom.

Jack Cafferty: Viagra Is For A Medical Condition, Birth Control Is A “Lifestyle Choice”

Excuse me? I know that most men don’t have a huge well of knowledge on the workings of a woman’s body (any more than I completely understand all of your equipment), but I think that in absence of knowledge, it might be smarter to avoid definite declarations like that. Oral contraceptives are absolutely used to treat medical conditions:

Although they are most commonly prescribed to prevent pregnancy, birth control pills are also used to treat a variety of menstrual disorders including amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), dysmenorrhea (abnormally painful menstruation) and hypermenorrhea (abnormally Menstruation is the periodic shedding of the lining of the uterus, causing bloody vaginal discharge.heavy menstrual bleeding). They may also be prescribed to treat a number of other conditions, including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), hirsutism (abnormal hair growth) and endometriosis. In addition, birth control pills may be taken to regulate irregular menstrual cycles and to help in the transitional period prior to menopause.

In addition to preventing pregnancy and treating various medical conditions, birth control pills also offer women a number of significant health benefits, including a decreased risk of colorectal, ovarian and endometrial cancers.

And since when is the life of a woman to be considered a “gray area” for negotiation? But there’s no gray area about a man’s desire to get it up, nor any consideration to the consequences of what happens when he can? Jack, you disappoint me.

I like Cafferty, but he must not have taken his blue pill 'cuz he damn sure stepped on his weenie about one of the great inequities in 'health care insurance'.

But then, he's just another old fart that refuses to accept Nature's take on aging. Does anybody think there might be a natural correlation between a slowing of the ability to get it up and menopause? Nature made sex fun so people'd do it to continue the species. She forgot to make it less fun after it no longer produces fruit, though. Heh.

To be fair, I see nothing wrong with covering Viagra and not birth control measures if the old men would stick to having sex with post-menopausal gals who are a lot of fun because they let their hair down a little once they can no longer get knocked up. Yeah, like that'll happen.

Speaking of 'producing fruit', Repug politicians, of course, should restrict themselves to adult males.

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