Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Housekeeping ...

A personal point: I have a crazy life. I'm always doing something or running somewhere; the Mrs. too. That said, I'm not good with keeping up with basic shit here like updating the blogrolls.

I usually get to it when there's a Blogtopia-wide (y!sctp!) linkage event (usually in response to one of the bigger blogs purging their rolls). I know there are a buncha regular readers and commenters whose blogs I haven't added to the blogroll yet so here's your chance. Leave a link to your place in 'comments' on this post (if you are not on the blogroll), and tell me what category I should put you in, and I'll update over the long weekend (along with other site maintenance that's long overdue).

Conservative blogs need not apply.

Off to the shop ...

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