Sunday, July 20, 2008

It’s the Economic Stupidity, Stupid

Daddy Frank

The best thing to happen to John McCain was for the three network anchors to leave him in the dust this week while they chase Barack Obama on his global Lollapalooza tour. Were voters forced to actually focus on Mr. McCain’s response to our spiraling economic crisis at home, the prospect of his ascension to the Oval Office could set off a panic that would make the IndyMac Bank bust in Pasadena look as merry as the Rose Bowl.

Given that Mr. McCain’s sole private-sector job was a fleeting stint in public relations at his father-in-law’s beer distributorship, he comes by his economic ignorance honestly. [...]

How much work could a PR job for beer be? Yeesh. And then ya get to go home and screw the boss's daughter. Nice work if you can get it.

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