Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A joke?

The Republican sense of humor:

Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, "Where is that marvelous ape?"

Is this the kind of 'humor' we can expect from the man who wants to be President?

John McCain, caring about womens' issues one rape joke at a time.

Late today, see yas when I get home.


What he said:

The thing about the McCain rape joke is that it isn't just horrible because it's a a joke about a woman liking rape, it's about a woman who is explicitly beaten senseless until she becomes unconscious and raped and she enjoyed the experience.

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