Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Morphing ...

For those who don't know, Mrs. F is Jewish. Thing is, she has a fetish for old churches and cathedrals. We're always visiting them whenever we're in Europe (she's like a kid in a candy store in Westminster Abbey and Notre Dame). The running joke in the house is that she's slowly turning into a Catholic.

That said, Joe Liberman is turning into an Evangelical:


That [Right-wing Pastor John] Hagee holds views that even John McCain eventually described as "deeply offensive and indefensible" isn't impeding Joe Lieberman's close association with Hagee. This week, Hagee's group is holding its Third Annual Convention in Washington, and here is the line-up for the final night, with the event's keynote speakers listed:


Joe Lieberman cares not for Israel, nor the Jewish people. Joe Lieberman cares only about Joe Lieberman.

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