Saturday, July 5, 2008

Obama House Party

22 people attended an Obama house party June 28th on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest that has just 5 year-around residents. At least half a dozen republicans were among the attendees. Jack officiated starting the proceedings with a rundown of some of the Bush administration's blunders. There followed some spirited debate with almost unanimous agreement that the past 7 years of the Bush administration have been disastrous.

The house party was followed by an Obama beach party in a location of incomparable beauty, underscoring the importance of getting back on track protecting the environment.

The song is "One of These Days" by Emmylou Harris.

Heh. So much for the 'youth vote', at least on Nameless Island WA. The old farts like me got the pretty girls The party appeared to have as guests several of my peer age group as well as some attractive young ladies. That cheered me up 'til I realized they were probably nurses.

A tip o' the Brain to cedarbeam.

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