Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Readin' doesn't necessarily make ya smart

Following up on Fixer's post and PhysioProf about where the deranged 'anti-Liberal' who shot up women and children in a church might have gotten the idea:

Let's Try Democracy

"Inside the house, officers found 'Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder' by radio talk show host Michael Savage, 'Let Freedom Ring' by talk show host Sean Hannity, and 'The O'Reilly Factor,' by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly."

I give those right-wing assholes a lot of credit for pushing this now-murderer over the edge with their tripe, tripe they fucking well know isn't true but that will appeal to their 'base', morons even by the standards of Repug sheep, and make them a lot of money.

I won't go into my decidedly non-liberal views on firearms laws, but one legally armed citizen could have stopped the shooting. Jesus and all the firearms laws that are only followed by law-abiding citizens sure as hell didn't.

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