Friday, July 18, 2008

Stepping stones ...

Seems Cheney and the neocons won't be deterred:

The United States plans to build a military airport near the northern Iraqi town of Halabja, which borders Iran, Iraqi media reports.

Khadr Karim Mohammad, the mayor of Halajaba, speaking to Aswat al-Iraq news agency on Wednesday, explained how the construction would proceed.

He said the municipality has allocated an estimated 1500 acres of land east of the town for this purpose and provided the necessary maps for the major project.


The official also revealed that a number of US delegations have visited the region frequently since 2003,"They were studying the roads leading to Iran, under the pretext of providing services to the town," he elaborated.


What? You think they'd give up? These pukes have waited 40 years to be in a position of 'ultimate power', the 'leaders of the free world', and they won't bow to the will of the American people. They never cared what we thought to begin with. Wouldn't surprise me to see an attack on Iran, using Iraq as a jump-off point, before the election.

Off to work. I been fucking with Mrs. F's work computer again, since the poindexters in her IT department 'fixed' it yesterday. I got it half-assed working with her hooked up by hard line and having to do a buncha reboot bullshit with my home computers, modem, and router. At least it isn't locking everything out like yesterday.

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