Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where's Waldo Turdblossom?

Following up on Friday's post, Rove has been found. Check it out at NotionsCapital.

Karl Rove is roving the beaches of the Crimea, not the committee rooms of Congress. Andrew Malcolm of the Los Angeles Times reached the former White House Senior Svengali by cell phone in the Eastern European resort to ask for his reaction to the death of Tony Snow.

Ukraine does not have an extradition treaty with the US, according to the Congressional Research Service, and ”Contempt of Congress” may not be a crime in the Crimea. At least we don’t have to worry about Mr. Rove obtaining undue influence over the Crimean president — there isn’t one. The Head of State of Crimea is the President of Ukraine (Viktor Yushchenko).

Karl may be checking out the employment possibilities, thinking his particular Machiavellian talent would be well suited to their kind of politics. I hope he gets the job. What he doesn't know about politics in that region is that they're likely to kill him. I hope he likes soup.

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