Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wrongness ...

Professor Cole*:


Look, it is more important that McCain was consistently wrong. He was wrong about the desirability of going to war against Iraq. He was wrong about it being a cakewalk. He was wrong about there being WMD there. He was wrong about everything. And he was wrong about the troop escalation making things better. The casualty figures dropped in al-Anbar, where few extra US troops were ever sent. They dropped in Basra, from which the British withdrew. Something happened. Putting it all on 30,000 extra troops seems a stretch. And what about all the ethnic cleansing and displacing of persons that took place under the nose of the "surge?" McCain has been wrong about everything to do with Iraq. And he is boasting about his wisdom on it!


The only thing I disagree with, though McCain's making it an issue so it has to be discussed, is that we are debating the effects of the 'surge' to begin with. there should be no debate about 'winning' and 'losing' in Iraq. Listen to me: We should never have been in Iraq to begin with. There is no point discussing tactics (right or wrong) when the overall strategy was flawed from the get-go.

It boils down to this. Barry had the sense to know this war, and resultant occupation, would be a bad thing from the start and voted against it. McLame just follwed the party line, and continues to do so, voting for the war and pledging to continue the occupation through his presidency.

It's time to send the old fool to 'the home', not give him another job for the next four years.


Creature has video of more Iraq wrongness.

*Tip o' the Brain to Dr. Attaturk (Podiatrist to the Stars) for the link.

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