Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Found at Avedon's ...

On McCain's mindset:


MoDo asks "Did he fail to absorb the lessons of Vietnam, so that he is doomed to always want to refight it?" The answer would appear to be "probably", and it may well be because his stint as a POW from late '67 to early '73 meant he wasn't around to appreciate the full context of those lessons when they were being taught. His 'Vietnam experience', brutal though it was, was contextually an entirely different experience than that of those who saw - even if only on TV - the assassinations, the marches, the riots, My Lai, the Pentagon Papers, the government killing its own citizens at Kent State and Jackson State, and - night after night, just in time for dinner - young Americans on TV fighting and dying in a war that no longer made any sense.

He didn't see what the Vietnam war was doing to the country and came home to a place far different than it was while he was imprisoned. It seems that, to him, Vietnam was just mismanaged, not a bad idea to begin with ...

'Splains why he's so gung-ho for Iraq. Clueless old bastid.

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