Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If I weren't married ...

Barry would better watch out cause my old white ass would be sure as hell chasing Michelle around. She's one hell of a woman. I got one like that myself. This is what I mean about the whole package; looks, intelligence, confidence. Good on ya, brother:


The Rude One puts a point on it:


But let's be clear here: the purpose of the speech was to say, "Don't fear the black people." And it was directed at Idiot America, that demographic comprised of rednecks, racists, and/or retards who still think that blacks want to rape their white women while shooting them or stabbing them or beating them to death with a comically large bone, all the while receiving welfare checks and getting hired ahead of them. Really, she was addressing the teetering RRRs, the one who have an inkling that maybe those rich conservative whites who purport to share their "values" don't actually give a fuck about them. The rest of the RRRs, they're too fucking stupid to even come up with a decent assassination plot.


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