Friday, August 29, 2008

Versailles on the Potomac ...

Or, The Wisdom of the Pundits. Batocchio over at Digby's has an excellent post up about the conventional 'wisdom' employed by the Beltway Gasbags:


Cokie's world, the Beltway Village, Versailles on the Potomac, can't be fully understood in "reality-based" terms, or notions of what constitutes good journalism. Those are valid forms of criticism, but they don't get to the heart of what ails these supposedly smart and often highly-educated people. Wisdom sadly doesn't always accompany knowledge, but the problem is more one of social customs. It's sometimes really amazing to see, but for many Village pundits, what's right, and sometimes truth itself, is entirely socially determined. They're a pretty anti-empirical, unreflective lot. They often possess a blithe authoritarianism, or at least an obsession with prestige. Social norms can be very good– but the Beltway conventional "wisdom" can be awfully dumb.


It's like that in my business too, and you can fall into a 'bubble-type' mentality if you're not careful, when all you're exposed to are those of your own ilk. Thing is, mechanics being slow to accept change and progress don't affect the lives of 300 million people.


That said, today is my last day of work before beginning my semi, temporary, retirement and we're leaving for Amsterdam on Monday. Lotta loose ends to clean up so you probably won't see much of me this weekend. Those who have posting privileges here, feel free to have a blast while I'm gone. The rest of you don't break Gordon's balls too bad. Heh ...

The Mrs. and I, as always, will be taking you on vacation with us. Pics and stories will be posted at our travel blog Worlds, probably starting on Tuesday or Wednesday. Our itinerary is here and we'll be meeting Prinsendam on Thursday in Amsterdam after 3 days exploring the city. Should be fun.

And a note to our European blogging friends. If you'll be in the Amsterdam area at the beginning of next week, feel free to contact us and we'll get together for coffee, drinks, or a trip to the coffeeshop. We'll be at the Prins Hendrik Hotel until Thursday morning.

See yas later ...

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