Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dear Fellow Americans ...

For the past 8 years, I, along with the rest of the folks who walk around with their eyes open, have suffered through the lies, obfuscation, and overt bullshit from the Bush administration.

For the past 4 1/2 years, we here at the Brain (along with about a thousand other bloggers) have been running around with our hair on fire, warning anyone who would listen how bad things would be once the Chimp was done screwing up the country.

In '04, we had to sit and watch as you assholes voted for the moron once again, gullible motherfuckers swayed by Rovian bullshit; bullshit that should have been obvious to anyone with two working brain cells - it should have been obvious in '99. You fell for all the crap ("you don't change horses mid-race" - even though the rider was one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse), even Democrats ("you don't change leaders in the middle of a war", "I just don't like John Kerry"), they wanted you to fall for.

Do me a favor this time. Don't fall for it again just because the Loser-in-Chief came on the TV last night and told you this is 9/11 and Katrina rolled into one. He is lying. The Bush administration is lying like they have since Day One and I demand you idiots don't fall for it again. My esteem for you is inversely proportional to the contempt I have for you all. Try to bring it up a few notches.

My fellow Americans have disappointed me dearly over the past 8 years and have turned this country over to a group of criminals whose only goal is to get away with as much as they can. They tried to get Iraqi oil by force and failed, the cost (a trillion dollars into the Big Catbox, 4000-odd American lives wasted, and tens of thousands changed irrevocably) borne by you and me. Now, after manipulating the markets to their own benefit, they come calling on us with their hand out. Don't fall for it. It is a lie.

They are doing this now because they are worried the guy on deck is more inept than the current batter. They are doing this because even if he does get elected, he will either fuck up so royally it'll hurt the fat cats too, or that he'll die in office and that brainless twit will take over. They want their payoff now.

Please, please, do not fall for this current ploy by John McCain. It is all part of The Big Republican Lie. It is a grandstand stunt that hopefully will not work, unless you let it. If you fall for this crap, both from the Chimp and McCain, again, you deserve what you'll end up with. John McCain is not a war hero. He got shot down because of his own arrogance and was locked up for 5 years. Brutal treatment? Yes, and I won't take his suffering away from him, but that in no way qualifies him to be the President of the United States. He is a hypocrite and a pandering liar. He is no better than the current moron and probably worse.

Bottom line: Stop falling for The Lie.

Back to sanding ...

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