Monday, September 22, 2008

Dear John McCain ...

Here's Barry's plan*:


Here are the principles Obama laid out over the weekend:

  • No blank check. We must insist on independent accountability and oversight.

  • Main Street, not just Wall Street. We need an emergency economic plan to help working families—a plan that would help folks cope with rising gas and food prices, create infrastructure jobs, etc.

  • Help homeowners stay in their homes. We cannot have a plan for Wall Street banks that does not help homeowners stay in their homes and help distressed communities.

  • Taxpayers should be protected. This should not be a handout to Wall Street.

  • Rescue requires mutual responsibility. Institutions that benefit from taxpayer help must help protect American homeowners and the American economy. We cannot underwrite continued irresponsibility.

  • Build a regulatory structure for the 21st Century. We should commit ourselves to new rules of the road for the 21st Century economy.

  • A global response. The United States must lead, but we must also insist that other nations, who have a huge stake in the outcome, join us in helping to secure the financial markets

  • ...

    Now shut the fuck up, you bitter old man.

    *From an email from


    And, regardless of what the old man says, with criminals like this running his campaign, a McCain administration would make Bush/Cheney fiscal policy look good.


    That would be the Rick Davis who runs the McCain campaign, the campaign that has tried to connect Obama to former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines, even running ads to that effect. Contrary to McCain's lies, however, Raines is not an Obama advisor. (And even if he were, so what? McCain takes advice from the likes of Carly Fiorina, the failed former Hewlett-Packard CEO and now a top McCain surrogate. There wouldn't be anything wrong with Obama talking to an important figure like Raines.)

    But Davis isn't just a McCain advisor, he's McCain's campaign manager. And he actively campaigned on behalf of those two mortgage giants against additional regulation. In other words, he wasn't just part of the problem, he was a high-paid lobbyist fighting attempts to solve the problem. And why did Fannie and Freddie pay Davis so much money?


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