Tuesday, September 9, 2008

F**k a Duck

I am having a real problem tryin' to find stuff without the word 'Palin' in it. The bimbo is cloggin' up the internets like volcanic ash in an air filter, I tell ya! Found this, tho'...

WASHINGTON, Sep 4, 2008 (UPI via COMTEX) -- U.S. officials said "duck stamps" affixed to cards carried by hunters licensed to hunt ducks contain a misprinted number that connects to a phone-sex line.

The Fish and Wildlife Service said the misprinted numbers -- which connect callers to a recorded female voice that promises them they can "talk only to the girls who turn you on" for $1.99 per minute -- appear on about 3.5 million of the federally-issued cards and the service does not have the funds to reprint them, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported Thursday.

The correct number, 1-800-782-6724, is meant for hunters wishing to purchase additional duck stamps. The misprinted number instead connects to a phone sex line called "Intimate Connections."

"The stamp is perfectly usable," Levin said. "It will just be a lot more interesting for people now."

I know a buncha duck hunters. They'll get all pissed off when they call the number and can't talk to a Labrador Retriever.

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