Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And you can't even see Russia ...

From Sarah Palin's house:

Just when you thought the whole "I can see Russia from Alaska" thing couldn't get any funnier...CNN's Gary Tuchman delivers the goods: it turns out that Sarah Palin has never seen Russia from Alaska.

Tuchman went up to the part of Alaska from which you can actually see Russia, a remote island called Little Diomede located just 2.4 miles from it's Russian twin, Big Diomede.


No Alaskan governor has ever visited Little Diomede, though indicted U.S. Senator Ted Stevens has made the trip. The town's residents barely knew who Palin was, and one of them didn't know she was the VP nominee. [my em]


Lucky bastids.


It's going to be fun watching McCain-land spin this one, and it's going to be even more fun watching Tina Fey parody it.

Can't wait. Now, I could deal with Tina Fey as a VP candidate ...

Great thanks to Oliver Willis for the link.

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