Monday, October 20, 2008

Benedict Powell... Race Patriot

Say what you will about Colin Powell, it is richly deserved, he sure stuck an outboard motor in the punchbowl with his endorsement of Obama. Of course, when you do that in a Repug punchbowl it just stirs up the turds. And, boy (heh), are they stirred up!

Think Progress, with links and comments.

A new cartoon by syndicated cartoonist Gordon Campbell hits Gen. Colin Powell for endorsing Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL). The cartoon shows a picture of Revolutionary War general Benedict Arnold — who infamously committed one of U.S. history’s greatest acts of treason — in blackface, followed by the line: “Benedict Powell…Race Patriot“:

Politicker reports Campbell also stated that Powell “wishes to see someone who looks like himself in the White House.” Similarly, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that Powell endorsed Obama only because they are both African-American, and a prominent Maine GOP activist claimed, “If Obama was a white man, Powell would not have made the endorsement.”

Update Similar comments by George Will, Pat Buchanan, and RedState.

From Firedoglake on Will:

This morning on "This Week" George Will was asked what he thought about Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama.

His response?

Black, black, blackety-black black black blackety-black.

Crooks and Liars on Buchanan et al. Go see.

Joan Walsh tells Pat that his assessment was "beneath him" and Matthews calls him out on it also. Wow, can you image that Colin Powell might consider the Supreme Court and economic policies before he makes a decision on who to vote for? Why would black people care about those issues right, Pat? He, like John McCain makes no sense at all. I remember hearing so many conservative and liberal women being upset when they felt others thought they should have thrown their support to Hillary just because she was a woman. This talk will only pick up as the week unfolds.

Ohhhhh, pleasepleaseplease...

This morning at 3AM, I was woken up by a loud noise. I now realize it was hordes of racists coming out from under their rocks. I hope they find out very quickly what the sunlight can and should do to them.

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