Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bush, Press, Lies, Truth, Beat McCain Twice

MoDo's snark is coming in handy these days:

Some of John McCain’s friends, from the good old days when he talked straight, feared that his Greek tragedy would be that he would be defeated by George Bush twice: once in 2000, because of W.’s no-conscience campaigning, and again in 2008, because of W.’s no-brains governing.

Excellent! McLame's no-brains campaigning is helping as well.

John McCain has long been torn between wanting to succeed and serving a higher cause. Right now, the drive to succeed is trumping any loftier aspirations. He cynically picked a running mate with less care than theater directors give to picking a leading actor’s understudy. [...]

She left out 'in a high school play', but I forgive her.

Certainly, at some level, John McCain must be disgusted with himself for using the tactics perfected by the same crowd that used these tactics to derail him in 2000. He’s now curmudgeonly, even hostile, toward the press — the group he used to spend hours with every day and jokingly describe as his base.

They were fine until they belatedly started telling the truth about him. To the press's credit (everlasting shame to us), they held out as long as they could before it became so obvious what an asshole he is that even they couldn't ignore it any longer.

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