Friday, October 24, 2008

Dually Unlicensed

East Valley Tribune, Phoenix

A plumbing license is not the only license "Joe the Plumber" is having troubles with. The former Mesa resident has a suspended driver's license and outstanding court fines in Arizona, according to Mesa Municipal Court records.

The man portrayed by McCain to be the typical, hardworking American revealed this week that he actually does not have a plumbing license, and now court records show he should not have a driver's license either, making it potentially even harder for him to get to work.

America's new political icon, who owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes, according to public records, still owes more than $700 to the Mesa court system.

With a suspended license in one state, it should not be possible to get a new license in another, said Cydney DeModica, spokeswoman for the Arizona MVD.

The only way "Joe the Plumber" could have slipped through the cracks is a clerical error in which his driving records were not entered into the Problem Driver Pointer System, the national database of information about people with a checkered driving past, said Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles spokeswoman Lindsay Komlanc.

Komlanc added if the Ohio BMV were to receive the information, appropriate action could be taken, including suspension of his Ohio license.

My next-door neighbor Clancy is a plumbing contractor. He wears out trucks from all the crap he has to lug around to do his job. Pipe, fittings, devices, all the heavy metal-working tools he needs to do his job.

When ol' Joe shows up three days late to do a re-pipe, we'll know why when we see all that stuff on his back! Maybe he's lucky and his local codes only require he carries some plastic pipe, a hacksaw, and a can of glue. Heh.

In fairness to the new mythical 'real'-American icon of the working stiff, we believe in second chances and redemption. Maybe Joe could scale back his fantasy of buying a business that isn't for sale and get a fresh start as a plumber's assistant. Not only could he study up* to get a plumbing license, but the real plumber could do the driving.

*How hard could it be? Clancy tells me that all a plumber really needs to know is that shit flows downhill and payday's Thursday. He oughta know. He once accidentally hooked a hot water line to a bidet. Likes his beer, too...

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