Friday, October 17, 2008

GOP acuses ACORN of stealing their ideas


WASHINGTON -- (PTSD News) -- The Republican party has launched a major attack against ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, charging them with trying to steal the election for Barack Obama. “Their conduct is outrageous,” said Steve Schmidt of the McCain campaign, “we have worked so hard to steal this election fair and square that to have this group of pipsqueak upstarts trying to steal it back is beyond the pale.”

Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, said, “if I lose this election, it will be because ACORN stole the election for that one.”

“The most amazing aspect about ACORN is all the press this is generating,” said Miriam Montana of the media watchdog group, Sterling Consulting. “There has not been one provable case of an actual fraudulent vote caused by ACORN," Montana said, "yet there was practically no press when there was credible evidence that the last two presidential elections were stolen by the Republicans with voter caging, black box voting irregularities and other voter suppression tactics that stole millions of votes. "I guess these days it is OK if you steal big,” Montana continued. "Just look at the financial crisis and the bank bailout. If you steal a loaf of bread and get caught, you go to jail. If you steal the bakery, you get more dough.”

When asked about the voter fraud charges against ACORN, Karl Rove said, “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”

Satire, yes, but exactly the reason we need an overwhelming voter turnout to give Obama a big enough margin of victory that they can't steal it. Stealing 1% of the votes was easy when a 1% margin was all they were trying for and all that mattered. Stealing 6%, maybe even 3%, is beyond their abilities, even as considerable in that regard as they are .

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