Thursday, October 9, 2008


The Last Chance Democracy Cafe

Is it just me, or is there something a little weird, creepy even, about the McCain campaign’s obsession with Sarah Palin’s high heels?

”The heels are on, the gloves are off.”

Think about this for a moment: here we have a female candidate for vice president referring to wearing her heels — her high heels — as a way of expressing her intention, as a woman, of getting tough with a man. Does that strike anyone else as just a wee bit familiar? Putting you in mind, perhaps, of a certain outside the mainstream form of sexuality involving the use of whips, ropes and, yes, heels in the infliction of pain?

Is it possible that in this historic year of political firsts, we are now seeing yet another one — the first explicit use of S&M imagery by a major party candidate for national office?

Certainly, at a minimum, the reaction of many of Palin’s male right wing fans — hooting and hollering in ecstasy over the viciousness of her attacks — makes one wonder, whatever Palin’s intent, whether this isn’t how a good many of these dudes see her. I mean, let’s face it: there’s always been something more than a little odd about the extreme passion these same bozos feel towards vicious female “pundits” like Ann Coulter. (You can almost hear them panting: “She may not be that pretty, but, man, she makes it hurt so good!”)

I don’t know, but the whole thing is starting to feel more than a little creepy to me.

A little too creepy on many levels.

Here's an old one:

Masochist: "Ooh! Beat me! Beat me!"

Sadist: "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

The Repug base loves pain. They must. They keep voting for ying-yangs who are experts at inflicting it on them.

Of course then they blame it on Libruls.

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