Sunday, October 5, 2008

I believe ...

In the stupidity of the American voter:


That the Right believes in the fundamental stupidity of the American voter while simultaneously pretending to revere and speak for them them is reflected in their belief that they can successfully blame the financial crisis and the country's woes generally on Democrats, who -- while hardly covering themselves with glory -- haven't had any meaningful power in this country for as long as one can remember. Ponder how stupid you must think Americans are to believe that you can blame the financial crisis on the 2004 statements of House Democrats about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when that was a time when the GOP controlled all branches of the Government and nothing could have been more inconsequential than what Barney Frank or Maxine Waters, languishing in the minority in Tom DeLay's tyrannical House, said or did about anything.


Sorry, Glenn, but these idiots elected the Chimp twice. They are stupid. Thankfully, after 8 years, shit's starting to sink in. It took a $700 bln hammer to do it but hey, whatever works ...

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