Friday, October 17, 2008

It's personal ...

So last night, we got a very special troll here at the Brain. An idiot who knows me personally. Or should I say, a coward who knows me personally.

Now, I give a shit what people say about me and lord knows, people have said shit about me here. That's fine, but I do take exception with posting my friend's address here while calling Gordon out.

Gordan/moron/ meet me at [address removed - F] ASK FIXER HE KNOWS WHERE IT IS!ANYTIME IS FINE!!!

My old boss Harry does not need the hassle and whatever you have to say about me, clown, does not involve Harry. If I let Harry know about it, he'll hand you your ass.

Being that you know me, how come you've never said anything to my face? Now that you ran your mouth, how come you didn't stop where I work now (you can see it from Harry's) and repeat your bullshit in person? You are a coward, worse because you involved someone who has no reason to be. It's horseshit.

In your comments you impugn my integrity as well:

You should burn in hell for turning on the friends that helped and paid you way to where you are now,half breed!

Let me just say that no one pays my way for anything. Anything Harry gave me in compensation was well earned (and an aside, what I made at Harry's wouldn't allow me to live). Anything I have I bought myself.

Secondly, I don't turn on my friends, otherwise I would have left Harry's a year ago, when our lives got really hectic. I would have told Nunzio thanks but no thanks when he called me a couple weeks ago. Harry is a stand up guy who would have told me (to my face) if he felt I was screwing him in some way. You know nothing.

You know me well enough to call me 'half-breed' and worse.

you are a ni----- and we know it and where you are,and will take you when we want know how does it feel 666 you are mine

Is that supposed to be an insult? Is that supposed to humiliate me in front of my readers? It certainly doesn't scare me. I've been called worse by better.

Yes, I am of mixed race. My father was a British subject of Jamaican ancestry, and it is irrelevant. Look at me. I'm a white guy. I have never had the 'black experience', never been judged for my skin color before I opened my mouth and I am singularly unqualified to speak on that subject. True, I've never mentioned it before here because it is irrelevant.

I'm proud of my heitage and do not deny it. My grandfather was the law magistrate for St. Catherine's Parish and I am the great grandnephew of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. My grandmother's name was Alice Barrett. I am also descended from the first Earl of Knutson, but all that is irrelevant as well.

So, fool, instead of subjecting my readers to your insane drivel, why don't you stop up at Nunzio's on Monday and we'll straghten this all out, man to coward? Or maybe I should stop by your house? When you're sleeping at 2 in the morning? Sit next to you on your bed? Should I wake you up before I cut your balls off (if someone hasn't done it already) or should I surprise you?

You see, dumbass that you are, all visits here are recorded, along with the GPS coordinates of where you posted from (along with a lot of other information). I know who you are. I know where you live. And when you least expect it, I'm gonna come down on your ass. How smart do you feel now, dickhead? See me Monday or you'll never have another good night's sleep again.

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