Monday, October 20, 2008

Ontario police arrest man in voter fraud case

LATimes. There's a video that shows this clown. Looks like they let him wipe the Cheetos off before they hauled him outta his mom's basement.

The owner of a firm that the California Republican Party hired to register tens of thousands of voters this year was arrested in Ontario over the weekend on suspicion of voter registration fraud.

State and local investigators allege that Mark Jacoby fraudulently registered himself to vote at a childhood California address where he no longer lives so he would appear to meet the legal requirement that all signature gatherers be eligible to vote in California. His firm, Young Political Majors, or YPM, collects petition signatures and registers voters in California and other states.

Jacoby's arrest by state investigators and the Ontario Police Department late Saturday came after dozens of voters said they were duped into registering as Republicans by people employed by YPM. The voters said YPM workers tricked them by saying they were signing a petition to toughen penalties against child molesters.

...the arrest outside an Ontario hotel, which involved seven squad cars and nine police officers...

Wow. That's serious. That's almost as many units as they roll for a drunk driving arrest! The guy's in deep shit.

After complaints by voters and Democratic Party officials, several agencies launched investigations into Jacoby's activities. They included the Los Angeles County district attorney's office, which issued the warrant for his arrest earlier this month on felony charges of voter registration fraud and perjury.

Several dozen voters recently told The Times that YPM workers said they had to become Republicans to sign the petition, contrary to California initiative law. Other voters said they had no idea their registration was being changed.

YPM has been accused of using bait-and-switch tactics across the country. Election officials and lawmakers have launched investigations into the activities of YPM workers in Florida and Massachusetts. In Arizona, the firm was recently a defendant in a civil rights lawsuit.

Natcherly the Repugs are crying foul. That shit is supposed to be OKIYAR, after all.

In a written statement Sunday, the state Republican Party called the charges against Jacoby "politically motivated." The party said the charges do not support accusations from voters and Democratic officials that YPM has been duping voters into joining the GOP.

The statement accused Secretary of State Debra Bowen, who announced the arrest, of "using her office to play politics."

Bowen is a Democrat.

Oh, well, there you have it. Arresting a Repug operative just for committing voter registration felonies must be partisan!

Not only do I hope for more arrests in this deal, I hope the MSM sees fit to pick it up in a big way, and that it knocks the ACORN Repug scam right outta the news cycle. This is an actual nationwide crime perpetrated by Repugs. Don't hold yer breath.

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