Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Uh ... um ... we made a mistake. The Boston Glob:

BACK IN December, when we endorsed John McCain in the Republican presidential primaries, we wrote that he would conduct a campaign of "substance, not demagoguery." We didn't count on the other John McCain - the one who showed up for the general election. Whether in thrall to his handlers or his own ambition, McCain has abandoned respectful discussion of differences for a trough of pandering and invective.


McCain's alarming choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate came only after more moderate and experienced candidates whom McCain preferred were rejected by his operatives. The choice of Palin - whom we would find unqualified even if she didn't hold such extreme policy views - was a cynical ploy aimed at exciting ideological conservatives and luring disgruntled supporters of Hillary Clinton. McCain likes to complain that Democrat Barack Obama has never taken on his party leaders, but McCain can't even control his hired staff. [my em]


Just so everybody's clear. What you're seeing now is the real McCain.

Great thanks to Maru for the link.

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