Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Piracy Update

Following up on my earlier post:


The Somali government has invited foreign powers to attack the pirates holding a Ukrainian cargo ship loaded with tanks hostage in its waters.

A Russian navy warship armed with marines and special forces commandos has already left for the Gulf of Aden, where a US guided-missile destroyer with air support is just a few miles from the captured MV Faina.

"The international community has permission to fight with the pirates," said Mohamed Jama Ali, the foreign ministry's acting permanent director. "Permission to use force was given."

Hmmmm. Russian ship...marines and special forces commandos...permission to use force.

Arrgh, mateys! If those fuckin' outboards still run, you better use 'em or you're shark shit. You'll have so much Russian lead in you your bros might dredge up what's left and sell you to a battery factory.

Also from the Telegraph:

The pirates are reported to have turned on each other and fought a gunbattle, killing three of their comrades, as helicopters from a flotilla of ships deployed by the US Fifth Fleet buzzed the Ukrainian ship, the MV Faina. The dispute was believed to be about what to do with their haul.

A US defence official in Washington corroborated the reported shooting, but the pirates denied there had been any such incident and said they were happily celebrating Eid, the Islamic festival which marks the end of Ramadan. Their spokesman did not say whether the crew had been invited to the feast.

Heh. That last sentence was some great tongue-in-cheek humor in the finest tradition of British drollery..

I guess it's customary to empty your Kalashnikov into yer bros to celebrate religious holidays. Whadja do fer Rosh Hoshanah?

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